Thursday, 26 March 2020

My New Rabbits

On Monday 23rd of March I got new rabbits for the first time. There names are Honey and Sunny.
To be honest I actually don't Know who is who because they both look the same.
For the Rabbits Breakfast I give they Clover and ripped up Grass and a little bite of Doc Leaf on the side. I also make shore they have nice fresh hay for there bed and lots of fresh

water for them to drink.
Here they are!!

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Number Of Blog Posts Per Month In 2019,2020

Today we had to collect data from our blog to see how many blog posts we had done during last year and this year, and put it into a graph. We got to customise it, to how we wanted it to look.  For example,I made my columns 3D, I added colours and gave it a different title.
Some people had more blog posts than me, like Hayley. She had done 82 more blog posts because she did the Summer leaning journey.

Tour Builder

Today, we had our cyber smart teacher (Mrs Torrie), she taught us how to present our pepeha with Tour Builder.
It was challenging marking the exact location with a pin.
My next step is to pay attention when I screencastify so my video does not record for too long.